The Scientific Essence
1Nguyen Anh Quoc, 2Lam Ngoc Linh
1,2The University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i10-40

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Anything, phenomenon, or person that exists has a balance in internal and external exchange. The exchange of humans is a natural, social exchange. Natural, social on the outside becomes knowledge within man. The exchange of knowledge is the exchange within and outside of humans, the exchange of life. Human life manifests itself in functions and tasks in work, occupation, and scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is human life, but science becomes a profession that makes science strange, that is science outside of humans. Science beyond humans is science fiction. Imagination in science takes the premise outside of humans as a yardstick for comparison between humans. Discrimination between human beings appears as right and wrong, truth and falsehood, justice and injustice, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, rich and poor, noble and low... Science outside people take philosophy, mathematics as a methodology, the correctness of science is measured by a philosophical or mathematical stance, but philosophy and mathematics are started from a premise outside of man, not yet proof, it makes science puzzling, imaginary. Imagination becomes the impotence of science, the unhappiness of man. The need to eliminate helplessness and unhappiness becomes the need to abolish science fiction, to abolish science beyond humans. Science takes human life as the premise, that is human science, human philosophy.


Humans, knowledge, science, philosophy, mathematics


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